Phenotypic variation in the ratio of cell wall thickness to fiber lumen diameter is mainly affected by environmental factors, father and mother and their interaction all show no significant genetic control on it. 纤维壁腔比主要是受到环境因素的影响,父本、母本和父母交互对其均无明显的遗传作用。
There was very significant negative phenotypic correlation between albumen weight and yolk to egg weight ratio or yolk to albumen ratio. 蛋白重与蛋黄比例、蛋黄蛋白比例呈极显著的负表型相关;
The measured results showed that higher phenotypic correlation between majority of carcass traits and lower between slaughter ratio, dressing ratio and other traits. 结果表明:屠体多数性状间都存在着较高或中等偏上的表型相关;
Most of the molecular markers, phenotypic markers and agronomic traits agree to normal distribution or expected segregation ratio, which indicate that this F2 population are suitable for genetic linkage mapping. 田间主要农艺性状、表型性状和分子标记基本符合理论预期分布,表明该F2群体,适合用于遗传作图分析。
Analysis of phenotypic characteristics of 60 samples from two cultivated populations showed that Alnus rubra had abundant variations. The average coefficients of variation were significantly different in different parts. From highest to lowest: leaf width leaf length leaf venation leaf ratio. 2. 通过对2个栽培居群60个样本进行表型特征分析,结果表明红桤木具有丰富的变异,各部位平均变异系数有明显差异,排序为:叶宽叶长叶脉叶长宽比。